From Content to Customers

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Turning Interest into Income With Your Content

Ever stumbled upon a blog post, video or even a social media snippet that felt like it was speaking directly to you? It’s like the creator just “gets” you, right?

That, my friends, is the magic of content marketing done right.

But here’s the kicker – it's not just about catching your eye. It’s about turning that moment of connection into a lasting relationship.

In this post, we’re diving into how to turn your content into actual customers.

Whether you’re a course creator, coach or info-expert, stick around because you’re about to learn how to turn your content into a customer magnet.

Let’s get ready to make some content magic!

Understanding Your Audience

So, let’s talk about your audience – you know, those people you’re creating all this awesome content for.

Here’s the deal, though. The better you understand them, the more effective your content will be.

Let’s break down how you can get up close and personal with your audience.

  • Step into their shoes – Start by asking yourself, “Who is my ideal audience?” Think about their day-to-day life. What challenges are they facing? What gets them excited? What keeps them up at night? This isn’t just guesswork. Dive into data from surveys, social media interactions and feedback. The goal is to know them so well that creating content for them feels like chatting with an old friend.

  • Speak their language – Have you ever heard someone say something that resonated so deeply it felt like they were in your head? That’s your goal. Use the same words, phrases and expressions your audience uses. Hang out where they are online. Join relevant groups and follow social media accounts and don’t be afraid to reach out directly.

  • Address their pain points – Now that you’re in their world, identify what problems they’re facing. Maybe their course creators struggling with low enrollment or coaches trying to build their credibility. Your content should offer solutions, provide tips and share insights that address these pain points directly.

  • Anticipate their questions – Being one step ahead is key. Think about the questions your audience might have, even before they ask them. This proactive approach not only establishes your authority but also builds trust. You’re not just answering their immediate questions, you’re providing solutions they didn’t even know they needed. 

Remember, understanding your audience is an ongoing journey. People evolve and so should your strategies. Keep listening, keep learning and your content will hit the mark every time.

Developing Content Creation Strategies

Now that you’ve learned how to read your audience’s mind, it’s time to create content that not only catches their eye but also keeps them coming back for more.

  • Variety– Think about your favorite meal. It’s great, right? But if you have it every day, you’ll get bored. The same goes for content. Be a guest on podcasts, be interviewed on someone’s YouTube channel or write a guest blog post. Reaching people in different ways means you’re more likely to engage a wider audience.

  • Storytelling – Everyone loves a good story. It’s how humans connect. Infuse your content with stories – share successes, failures and lessons learned. It makes your content relatable and memorable.

  • Keep it real – Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword. It’s the heart of great content. Let your personality shine through. Be honest, transparent and true to your brand. Your audience can spot insincerity a mile away, so keep it real.

  • Quality over quantity – This one’s crucial. Yes, you need to be consistent. You’ve heard me say it 1000 times. But don’t be consistent at the expense of quality. Each piece should offer value – teach something, solve a problem or provide insight. Before you hit publish, ask yourself, “Will this enrich my audience’s day?” If the answer is yes, you’re good to go.

  • SEO – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn’t just a bunch of techy mumbo-jumbo. It’s about making sure your content gets found by the right people. Use keywords naturally, optimize your images and write engaging meta descriptions.

Creating content is a journey of continuous learning and adapting. Keep your eyes and ears open to the latest trends but ALWAYS stay true to your brand’s voice and values.

Remember, each piece of content is a building block in the relationship with your audience. Make each one count!

Optimizing for Conversion

Welcome to the heart of the matter:  turning your stellar content into a conversion powerhouse.

It’s one thing to create content that informs and entertains, but let’s kick it up a notch and make it a tool for growth.

Here’s how:

  • Call to Action – Think of your call-to-action (CTA) as the friendly signpost that tells your readers what to do next. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, downloading a lead magnet, following you on social media or scheduling a call, your CTA should be clear, compelling and hard to resist. Don’t just tack it on at the end. Weave it into your content like it’s part of the conversation.

  • Landing pages – These are the special pages designed with one goal in mind – conversion. Make sure your landing pages are focused and speak directly to the needs and desires of your audience. It should be free from distractions – you shouldn’t be speaking about anything other than the subject of your landing page and why your audience needs it. You can see an example of one of my landing pages here – 20 Free Inspirational Quotes for Social Media.

  • Lead magnets – Offer something of value in exchange for your audience’s contact information. It could be an eBook, webinar, guide, cheat sheet or any number of different things. But it should be so good that it’s a no-brainer for your audience to give their email in exchange. This is your first step into turning a casual reader into a lead. You can see an example of one of my most popular lead magnets here – The Ultimate Content Creation Checklist.

  • SEO – We touched on SEO earlier, but it’s worth repeating – SEO is crucial for conversion. By targeting the right keywords, you attract visitors who are more likely to convert because they’re actively searching for what you offer.

  • Track, analyze and adapt – The only way to know if your content is converting is to track its performance. Use tools like Google Analytics to understand what’s working and what’s not. Look at metrics like click-through rates, bounce rates, engagement times and conversion rates. The data doesn’t lie and it’s your best friend in refining your strategy.  

Optimizing your content for conversion is an ongoing process.

It’s about understanding what resonates with your audience and using that knowledge to guide them down the path to conversion.

Remember, each piece of content is a step in the customer journey – make every step count!

Building Relationships Through Content

Creating content isn’t just about sharing information. It’s about creating a community and building trust.

So let’s explore how we can turn content into a relationship-building tool.

  • Build trust – Your content is more than information. It’s a conversation with your audience. When you provide consistent, valuable and authentic content, you’re not just sharing knowledge, you’re building trust. It’s like making a new friend – you open up, share, and in return, they trust you more.

  • Engagement – Engagement isn’t just a metric. It’s the heartbeat of your relationship with your audience. Respond to comments, answer questions, spark conversations and be present on social media. Show them there’s a real, caring human behind the content. Every replay, like or shared story adds a brick to the foundation of your relationship.

  • Consistency – Ever had someone pop in and out of your life randomly? It’s hard to build a strong connection to them right? Same goes for content. Being consistent in your posting schedule and content quality helps your audience know what to expect and when to expect it. It’s comforting and builds a habit for your audience. But, as I shared earlier – don’t sacrifice quality for consistency, even if it means posting less often.

  • Credibility – When your content is consistently high quality and reliable, you become the go-to person in your niche. Reliability breeds credibility. It shows your audience that you’re not just playing the short game – you’re a dependable source they can turn to time and again.

  • Be open to feedback – Relationships are a two-way street. Listen to your audience’s feedback and let it guide some of your content decisions. It shows that you value their opinion and are committed to evolving to meet their needs.

Building relationships through content is like growing a garden. It requires patience, consistency and care. But the results – a loyal, engaged audience that trusts and values your insight – are absolutely worth it!

Distributing and Promoting Content

Creating amazing content is just half the battle.

The other half?

Making sure your content gets in front of the right eyes.

So let’s look at some ways to get your content the attention it deserves.

  • Social media – Social media is like the town square of the digital world – it’s where everyone gathers. Share your content on platforms where your audience hangs out. But don’t just post and ghost. Engage with your audience. Replay to comments, participate in discussions and be part of the community. It’s not just about visibility – it’s about connection.

  • Email marketing – Think of your email list like a group of VIPS who’ve given you backstage access. They’re interested in what you have to say. Use this space to share your latest content, offer exclusive insights and build a more personal connection. Remember, these people invited you into their inbox. Honor that with great content.

  • Collaborations – Collaborate with other content creators and experts in your niche or who are niche-adjacent. (What’s niche-adjacent? It’s someone who has a very similar target audience as you but doesn’t offer the exact same thing you offer. For example, I specialize in content marketing. I could reach out to someone who focuses on finances for course creators, coaches and creatives. Same audience – different areas of expertise.) Guest post on their blogs, be a guest on their podcast or channel or invite them to be a guest of yours. It’s a win-win – you both get to reach new audiences and get fresh content.

  • SEO – We’ve talked about SEO, but again, it bears repeating. It’s a powerful tool for getting your content organically found. Optimize your content for search engines to ensure it ranks well and reaches people looking for what you have to offer.

  • Paid promotion – If you have a budget for it, paid promotion can be a strong tactic. Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Ads can propel your content to a wider audience. A note of caution – personally, I don’t recommend starting with paid ads. Wait until you’ve started building an audience and know exactly who you’re targeting and what resonates with them. That way your money is put to best use.

  • Repurposing content – Don’t let your content gather digital dust. Turn a blog post into a series of social media posts, turn a webinar into a podcast or a video into an infographic. Repurposing expands your content’s reach and lifespan. 

Getting your content seen is about being smart and strategic with how and where you share it.

It’s about understanding where your audience is and how to reach them.


And there you have it – from understanding your audience to distributing your content, we’ve covered a lot of ground.

Remember, each tip is a tool designed to help you build stronger connections. Create more engaging content and, ultimately, grow your business.

But like any tool, it’s all about how you use them.

So here’s your call to action –

Start small if you need to but start! Pick one or two strategies discussed and put them into play.

Maybe it’s tweaking your copy to better speak to your audience’s needs, or perhaps it’s diving into the world of SEO.

Whatever it is, the key is to begin!

And as you embark on this journey, remember that content marketing is a dynamic and ever-evolving field. Stay curious, stay adaptable and keep your audience’s needs at the heart of everything you create.


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