Busting the Myth: Why Email Marketing Still Reigns Supreme

email marketing, woman on computer, woman drinking coffee, female entrepreneur

Did you know there are 4 billion daily email users?

I know it can be overwhelming with so many shiny marketing trends out there. A new one seems to be popping up almost daily.

But if you aren’t using email to grow your audience, you are missing out on this foundational marketing strategy.

Before we dig into email strategy, check out some recent email marketing stats:

  • 77% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months.

  • The return on investment (ROI) on email is $36 for every $1 spent

  • 33% of marketers send weekly emails

  • Smartphone users prefer to receive brand communication through email

Now that you understand the power of email marketing, here are some email tips to make your email efforts even more successful.

1. Personalization

Picture this: you receive an email that addresses you by name and offers content that's perfectly aligned with your interests. That's the power of personalization in email marketing! With advanced tools at your disposal, you can segment your audience and create targeted campaigns that resonate with each subscriber. Watch engagement soar as your audience feels valued and understood.

2. Steady Open Rates

Worried that your emails will be left unopened? Don’t stress! Contrary to the rumors, email open rates have stood the test of time. People still find value in their inboxes, making it a prime location to reach them. With the right subject lines and engaging content, you'll have your audience eagerly clicking that open button.

3. Mobile Compatibility

In a world where everyone's glued to their smartphones, you can't afford to ignore mobile compatibility. Email marketing shines in this department, as responsive designs ensure your messages look flawless across various devices. Catch your audience on their morning commute, during lunch breaks, or while waiting for their coffee – the possibilities are endless!

4. Click-Through Rates (CTR)

Your email's got some compelling content, and you want your subscribers to take action. Enter click-through rates (CTR)! When crafted with intention, your emails can turn curious readers into enthusiastic website visitors. With strategic CTAs and captivating content, you'll be amazed at the click frenzy you can create.

5. Return on Investment (ROI)

Let's talk numbers – ROI style. Email marketing is a cost-effective wizard that doesn't burn holes in your marketing budget. Compared to other channels, its low cost per conversion and high potential for engagement make it a go-to strategy for maximizing ROI. $36 for every $1 spent!

6. Relationship Building

Email marketing isn't just about sales pitches; it's about building lasting relationships. Sending personalized emails will nurture leads and guide your customers through their journey with your brand. Email marketing is all about creating loyal customers who can't resist your offerings.

7. A/B Testing

Enter A/B testing! Experiment with subject lines, content formats, visuals, and CTAs to discover what works best for your audience. This data-driven approach helps refine your email marketing strategy, keeping you ahead of the game.

8. Trust and Compliance

With data privacy concerns on the rise, email marketing provides the perfect opportunity to showcase your trustworthiness. By complying with regulations like GDPR, you build a sense of security and transparency with your subscribers. That's the kind of trust that keeps them coming back for more.

9. Integration

Email marketing doesn't play solo; it loves to jam with other marketing channels. Seamlessly integrate it with your social media, content marketing, and paid advertising efforts. Your brand message will reverberate like a harmonious symphony across platforms, strengthening your overall marketing presence.

So no matter what you may hear about email being extinct, know that it is still the queen of successful marketing strategies. Personalization, steady open rates, mobile compatibility, CTRs, ROI, relationship building, A/B testing, trust, and integration – these are the pillars of email marketing success.

So, whether you’re just starting out growing your email list or if you’ve been inconsistent with your email audience, now’s the perfect time to commit to using email to grow your business and increase your sales.

If you’re just starting and need help with your welcome sequence or if you have a list you haven’t talked to in a while and need to reengage them, shoot me an email at hello@aynsli.co and I’ll happily share some email templates to help you out.


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