Don’t Bury the Blog Just Yet

dog burying bone in sand, dog digging in sand

In today’s fast-paced digital environment, where social media, video and influencer marketing are stealing the spotlight, you may be wondering if blogging is worth your time and effort.

The short answer – Absolutely!

You've probably heard someone say blogging is dead. But contrary to the rumors, blogging is still alive and kicking and more relevant than ever.

When I was considering shifting from working with clients on the side to creating an actual marketing business, I struggled with what content platform I wanted to use.

I ended up choosing blogging because, not only does it have the lowest barrier to entry, but I also know the value of using search engine optimization to expand my reach.

Having a low barrier to entry was important to me because I knew I’d be running solo at first and still working full-time in corporate. I didn’t have time to learn a new process or spend a lot of time on production. Even if I do start a podcast or YouTube channel in the future, I know I’ll keep blogging just because of the results I’ve seen.

As a small business owner, creative or entrepreneur understanding the true value of blogging and content marketing can be a game-changer for your business’s success.

1.     Establish your authority and credibility

In a world that is constantly being flooded with information, consumers are becoming increasingly selective about the sources they trust.

This is where blogging can help you stand out. Through insightful blogs, you can share your knowledge, drop industry insights and sprinkle in a bit of your unique flair.  

Let’s say you run a quaint, little coffee shop. Regularly publishing blogs about the art of coffee brewing, the origin of various kinds of coffee beans, and the latest trends in the coffee industry not only educates your customers but positions your business as an authority in the coffee world. When customers see you as a knowledgeable source, they are more likely to choose your coffee shop over competitors.

2.     Boost search engine visibility

Search engines, like Google, are often the starting point for customers looking for products or services.

Blogging is a golden opportunity to enhance your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.

Every new blog post you publish is a chance to incorporate pertinent keywords, internal and external links into valuable content that search engines love. Consistent blogging keeps your website updated with fresh content, letting Google and others know that your site is active and relevant.

This can improve your rankings and drive more traffic to your website. The more visitors you attract, the higher your chances of converting them into loyal customers.

3.     Drive targeted traffic

Speaking of customers, blogging allows you to attract a specific audience that aligns with your business goals. Instead of generalizing, you can create content that resonates with your ideal clients.

Through engaging and informative blog posts, you can address your customers’ pain points, answer frequently asked questions and offer solutions that cater to the needs of your audience.

By addressing your ideal clients, you not only attract the right visitors to your website but also position your brand as one that understands and values their needs and preferences.

4.     Build meaningful relationships 

Blogging shouldn’t just be a one-sided communication channel. By sharing your blog content on other platforms, like social media and email, you invite readers to share their thoughts, ask questions and provide feedback.

This two-way communication fosters a sense of community and connection with your audience.

Interacting and engaging in conversations with your audience shows that you genuinely care about them and their opinions. These interactions help your readers and followers feel a personal connection to your brand.

In addition, the feedback you receive can provide valuable insights into what your audience wants, helping you tailor your products or services to better suit their needs.

5.     Supercharge your social media strategy

Contrary to the belief that blogging competes with social media, the two actually work hand in hand to expand your reach.

Blogging provides you with a steady stream of quality content to share across your social media platforms. This adds value to your posts, giving your audience a reason to follow and engage with your profiles.

When your content is valuable, it has the potential to be shared by others, exposing your brand to new audiences. It’s like free advertising. This creates a ripple effect that leads to increased brand awareness and website traffic.

6.    Generate long-term results

One of the most compelling arguments for blogging is its lasting impact.

Unlike some marketing efforts that offer short-lived results, well-written blog posts can continue to drive traffic and engagement long after they’re published.

This is often referred to as the “compounding” effect of content.

As your blog grows over time, each new post adds to the overall value of your website. Older blogs that rank well in search engines continue to bring in new visitors, contributing to a steady stream of organic traffic.

So, if you’ve ever questioned the relevance of blogging in today’s digital age, it’s time to put those doubts to rest.

Blogging is not dead – it’s a powerful tool that offers a multitude of benefits for business owners and creatives.

By embracing content marketing through blogging, you can position yourself as an expert, drive website traffic, create meaningful relationships, fuel your social media strategy and enjoy long-lasting results. 

It’s time to grab that keyboard and get to work, my friend. The world is waiting for your awesomeness!

And to make sure you never miss a step in your blog creation process, download my free Content Creation Checklist.


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