Blogging: Boost Your Business with the Written Word

blogging, blogging for business, woman blogging on computer

Content Platform Series

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Then you need to create content. Every business should have a central platform for sharing content.  

Now, I understand that you create content and share it across several different mediums.

But what I’m referring to here is the primary platform of content that you consistently create to grow and serve your audience and drive traffic to your website and/or platform.

In this content platform series, we’ll explore four of the most common content platforms – Blog, podcast, video and community.

We’ll look over the pros and cons of each and some basic equipment and startup costs so you can determine what may work best for your business.

If you are just starting out, a solopreneur or have a small team, you will likely be best served focusing on only one platform. As your business and team grow, you can add more platforms if you’d like.

Why you need a content platform

Your content platform is the foundation of your online presence, the core material that attracts and engages your audience.

Creating content helps you serve and create a relationship with your audience. It allows them to get to know and trust you and primes them to become future customers.

In addition, consistently creating content helps your business get suggested and featured to new people who made not have found you otherwise.

Regardless of which content platform you choose, consistency is key. By being consistent you are setting expectations for your audience which increases your authority and reliability.

According to Hubspot, creating consistent high-value content impacts buying decisions more than any other technique.

So, as you evaluate the different content platforms in this series, remember to consider the following:

  1. Think about what is reasonable in terms of the time and resources available for you to create the content.

  2. Lean into your strengths. Do not pick a platform that doesn’t align with you. If you are not comfortable writing, don’t choose to blog. If you don’t like being on camera, don’t choose video. If you pick a platform that doesn’t align with you, you’ll come to resent it and it will blossom into an obstacle that threatens to derail your content creation goals.  


Blogging is one of the most effective types of content platforms out there.

It is one of the simplest ways to enter the world of content creation.

It can be easy to create and has the lowest startup costs of the four platforms we’ll be exploring.

The Pros of Blogging

Here are some of the pros of blogging:

  1. Boosts your website’s visibility (SEO) – Search engines, like Google, love fresh content and regularly publishing high-value blogs will help you climb those search engine rankings. The higher you rank, the more visible your business becomes.

  2. Drives organic traffic – The more visible your content becomes, the more traffic your website will receive. This organic traffic is looking for the information you are providing and are, therefore, more likely to convert into leads and customers.

  3. Establishes you as an expert – Blogging allows you to showcase your knowledge, expertise and passion for your industry. By providing valuable insights, tips and information, you’ll build your trust with your audience and position yourself as the go-to expert.

  4. Diversifies your content – Blogging gives you the opportunity to explore different formats, such as how-to guides, personal stories, lists, etc. This variety keeps your content fresh, captivating and appeals to a wider range of readers.

  5. Serves as an easy resource to repurpose – You can repurpose the content of your blogs into social media posts, lead magnets, workshops, etc.

The Cons of Blogging

Some of the cons of blogging are as follows:

  1. Can be overwhelming – If you’re new to blogging, the thought of writing and managing your blog can be intimidating. Creating high-quality content takes time and effort, so you need to be prepared to invest in both. But with the right tools and strategies, you can make blogging a simpler and repeatable process.

  2. Takes time to see results – Blogging takes time to get noticed on search engines meaning it can take longer to gain traction and build an audience. Patience and persistence are key.

  3. Can require more time and effort – If writing is not a strength, blogging may take more of your time and effort. Whereas you can use bullet points to outline your content on other platforms, blogging requires you to be able to completely articulate your thoughts and information in writing.

  4. Has a lower perceived value – Although some people feel that blogging is dead, it is simply because blogging has evolved, not died. Blogging is no longer about providing updates on your life and/or business. It is now a tactical marketing strategy to engage and serve your audience. In fact, more than half of marketers consider creating blog content a top priority.

Equipment Suggestions and Related Costs for Beginners

Here are some equipment suggestions and costs related to blogging.

  • Domain name – The name for your website address (between $10-$50 a year)

  • Website – There are several low-cost options for hosting your blog. Some, such as, are free if you do it yourself but will require the one-time purchase of a theme ($50-$200), plugins (some free and others at a cost), and simple hosting fees of less than $10 a month. Others, like Squarespace and Showit, are all-in-one drag-and-drop platforms that provide the hosting and start at $20 a month, (Note – Some blog sites are free but not recommended if you are blogging for your business)

  • Canva – You can use the free version of Canva to create graphics and add photos to your website and blog.

  • Optional items – A photo stock subscription for additional professional quality photos and editing tools, such as Grammarly (free or paid options).

Remember, these are just starting points and costs can vary depending on your specific needs and preferences. You can always start with the basics and gradually invest and upgrade as your business grows.

As you can see, blogging can offer your business numerous benefits. It can boost your search engine rankings, drive organic traffic and grow your audience. It has a low cost of entry to get started and can easily be repurposed across multiple channels maximizing its reach and potential.

But, of course, like everything else, it does have its challenges. But developing a simple strategy and process, it can be manageable.

By consistently producing valuable content on your blog, you will not only nurture your existing audience but also have the opportunity to reach new people who may not have discovered your business otherwise.

So, if you’re thinking about blogging as your content platform, embrace the journey, enjoy the process and watch your audience and business thrive.

And to help make sure you don’t miss a step in your content creation process, be sure to download my free content creation checklist.


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