Unleash the Power of Community

Community, content, working together, grow your business

Content Platform Series

Ready to boost engagement and skyrocket your business?

Then it's time to unleash the power of content. Every successful business needs a central hub for sharing valuable information.

Now, I understand that you're already creating and distributing content through various channels.

But what I'm referring to is the primary platform where you consistently produce content, aiming to grow your audience, drive traffic to your website, and provide unparalleled value.

Join us in this exciting content platform series, as we delve into four popular mediums: Blogs, podcasts, videos, and communities.

We'll explore the advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as the essential equipment and startup costs involved. This will help you determine the ideal platform for your unique business.

If you're just starting out, working as a solopreneur, or managing a small team, focusing on a single platform will likely yield the best results. As your business and team expand, you can consider incorporating additional platforms.

The Importance of a Content Platform

Your content platform forms the bedrock of your online presence—the fundamental material that captivates and engages your audience.

Creating valuable content allows you to serve your audience and build a genuine relationship with them. It enables them to know, trust, and eventually become your loyal customers.

Furthermore, consistent content creation boosts your chances of being suggested and featured to new audiences who may not have discovered you otherwise.

Regardless of the content platform you choose, consistency is the key. By setting expectations and delivering consistently high-value content, you enhance your authority and reliability.

According to Hubspot, creating consistent high-value content influences purchasing decisions more than any other technique.

As you explore the different content platforms in this series, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Consider the available time and resources for creating content, and choose a platform that aligns with what is feasible for you.

  2. Leverage your strengths. Don't opt for a platform that doesn't resonate with you. If writing isn't your forte, don't choose to blog. If you're not comfortable in front of a camera, video may not be the best fit. Picking a platform that doesn't align with your strengths will only lead to resentment and become a roadblock to achieving your content creation goals.

Get ready to unlock the full potential of your business through the power of a well-crafted content platform.

The Power of Community

Starting and maintaining a business can be overwhelming. But there’s a powerful strategy that can make a world of difference – creating an online community.

By building a community around your brand, you can establish a loyal following, boost engagement and increase your chances of long-term success.

The Pros of Creating an Online Community

Here are some benefits of creating a community as your content platform.

  1. Establish a loyal following - By nurturing an online community, you can create a sense of belonging among your audience. People love being part of something bigger, and by providing a platform for them to connect with like-minded individuals, you can cultivate a loyal following that supports and advocates for your brand. A community can also be an excellent source of leads.

  2. Boost engagement - Traditional content marketing can be a one-way street, but a thriving community encourages two-way conversations. Members can share their experiences, ask questions, and provide valuable feedback. This interactivity fosters a deeper level of engagement, helping you understand your audience better and tailor your offerings to meet their needs.

  3. Create user-generated content - An engaged community is a goldmine for user-generated content. Your members can share testimonials, reviews, and even create their own content related to your products or services. User-generated content not only saves you time and effort but also adds authenticity and credibility to your brand.

  4. Increase brand visibility - A vibrant community can act as a powerful marketing channel. As members interact with your brand and share their experiences, they become brand ambassadors, spreading the word to their networks. This organic word-of-mouth marketing can significantly increase your brand's visibility, leading to new customers and opportunities.

  5. Improve organic reach – If using Facebook as your community platform, your organic reach can increase because the Facebook algorithm favors highly engaged group content.

The Cons of Creating an Online Community

Here are some of the challenges related to creating a community as your content platform. Understanding the challenges can help you better prepare and be successful as you start your community.

  1. Time and effort - Building and maintaining a thriving online community requires dedication and ongoing effort. It takes time to foster engagement, moderate discussions, and address member concerns. You'll need to commit resources to ensure your community remains active and vibrant.

  2. Moderation challenges - While communities can be incredible spaces for positive interactions, there's always a possibility of negativity or inappropriate behavior. Moderating discussions and ensuring a safe and respectful environment may pose challenges. Be prepared to set clear community guidelines and handle conflicts promptly and effectively.

  3. Can minimize reach – If choosing Facebook as your community space, not all persons who may be interested in your business, content and offers may be on social media or may not like Facebook.

Equipment Suggestions and Related Costs for Beginners

To kickstart your community-building journey, you'll need a few essential tools and platforms. Here are some suggestions:

  • Laptop, desktop computer, tablet or smartphone – You likely already have one of these which minimizes your start-up costs.

  • Community platform – Depending on the platform you choose, monthly costs can range from $0, such as Facebook, to $99+ for a course or membership platform.

  • Payment processor - If you have a paid group either on Facebook or another platform. 

Remember, as a beginner, it's important to start with a budget that aligns with your resources and scale as your community grows.

Creating a community can be a game-changer for your business.

While it requires time, effort and moderation, the benefits far outweigh the challenges.

By establishing a loyal following, boosting engagement and harnessing the power of user-generated content, you can increase your brand visibility and set yourself up for long-term success.

So, don't hesitate!

Start building your online community today and witness the transformative power it can have on your small business.

Remember, success lies in the connections you forge and the supportive community you cultivate.

And to help make sure you don’t miss a step in your content creation process, be sure to download my free content creation checklist.

Good luck on your community-building journey!


Letting Go of Perfect


Elevate Your Business to New Heights with Video