Elevate Your Business to New Heights with Video

Video content creation, video recording, woman recording video tutorial with phone

Content Platform Series

Ready to take your business to new heights?

If so, it’s time to dive into the world of content creation. Every successful business needs a central platform for sharing captivating content.

Look, I get it. You’re already creating and distributing content across various channels. But what I’m talking about here is the primary platform where you consistently produce valuable content to grow your audience, drive traffic to your website and establish your brand presence.

In this Content Platform Series, we delve into four popular content platforms – blogs, podcasts, videos and communities.

We’ll explore the advantages and challenges of each platform, as well as the essential equipment and startup costs involved. This way, you can determine which platform aligns best with your business goals.

If you’re just starting out as a solopreneur or with a small team, it’s wise to focus on a single platform. As your business and team expand, you can always add more platforms later if you wish.

Why Your Business Needs a Content Platform 

Your content platform serves as the cornerstone of your online presence, providing the fundamental material that attracts and engages your audience. By creating valuable content, you not only serve your audience but also build a relationship of trust, turning them into future customers.

Consistently producing quality content has an additional advantage – it helps your business get discovered and featured by new audiences who may have otherwise never found you.

Regardless of the content platform you choose, one key factor remains paramount – consistency.

By maintaining a consistent content creation schedule, you set expectations for your audience, boosting your authority and reliability. According to Hubspot, delivering consistent, high-value content has a greater impact on purchasing decisions than any other technique. 

As you explore the different content platforms covered in this series, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Consider the time and resources you have available to dedicate to content creation. Be realistic about what you can manage effectively.

  2. Leverage your strengths and choose a platform that aligns with your abilities. If you’re not comfortable on camera, video may not be the best fit. If writing isn’t a strength, don’t opt for blogging. Selecting a platform that doesn’t align with your strengths can lead to resentment and hinder your content creation goals.

Through this blog series, we’ll find the perfect content platform that elevates your business and brings you closer to your audience.  

The Power of Video

Did you know that YouTube has over 2.6 billion users per month?  That’s billion with a B!

Regardless of which video platform you use, which such a massive audience at your fingertips, video can give your business the exposure it needs to skyrocket.

The Pros of Video

Here are some benefits of using video as your primary platform.

  1. Reach a wider audience – Video is an incredible opportunity to connect with potential customers worldwide. By creating engaging videos, you can attract new leads, build brand awareness and expand your online presence.

  2. Boost SEO and website traffic – Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google? Leveraging the power of video can significantly impact your website’s search engine ranking, leading to increased organic traffic.

  3. Diversify your content – Incorporating video can diversify your content strategy. It provides a more immersive and engaging experience, allowing you to connect with your audience on a more personal level.

  4. Establish authority and trust – Video allows you to showcase your expertise, share valuable insights and interact directly with your audience. By consistently delivering valuable content, you can position yourself as an industry authority and foster trust among your viewers.

  5. Repurposing treasure trove – Video can easily be repurposed across your social media platforms. Clips can be used in reels, stories and posts. You can overlay snippets of audio over graphics and create copy for posts and quotes.

The Cons of Video

Here are some of the challenges related to video as your primary platform. Being aware of these hurdles can help you navigate video creation more successfully.

  1. Time and effort – Creating quality video content requires time and effort. From planning and scripting to filming and editing, it’s a demanding and time-consuming process. But the rewards are worth it!

  2. Initial visibility – With countless videos uploaded every minute, getting noticed can be a challenge. Building an audience and gaining traction will take time and consistent effort but don’t let that discourage you.

  3. Technical learning curve – If you’re new to video production, there may be a learning curve when it comes to equipment, editing and video optimization. However, with practice and dedication, you can learn to master the art of video creation.

  4. Expensive – The cost of equipment is greater than most platforms. And assuming you aren’t doing all of the pre- and post-production tasks, you will need a support team.

Equipment Suggestions and Related Costs for Beginners 

Here are some equipment suggestions and estimated costs to get you started with video.

  • Laptop, desktop computer, tablet or smartphone – If you’re just starting, it may be more economical to use the camera on your current smartphone or laptop/computer.

  • Microphone – clear audio is crucial for a great video. Invest in a decent external microphone to capture your voice with clarity and eliminate background noise. A good quality microphone can range between $100-$150 or higher.

  • Lighting – Good lighting can make a difference in the quality of your videos. If you’re just starting, you may be able to record near a good window with natural light. You may also want to consider investing in an affordable lighting kit, which can start at around $80.

  • Tripod – A sturdy tripod will keep your camera stable and ensure smooth footage. Look for lightweight options that are easy to transport. An affordable, basic tripod can cost between $15-20.

  • Optional – Video editing software if you plan to do your own editing, There are free options or you can purchase software for more capabilities. If you don’t want to do your own editing, you may need to hire video editors. If you don’t wish to use your phone or a computer, you can get an entry-level DSLR camera starting at around $500.

Remember these costs are approximate to get started and can vary greatly depending on the brand, model and your location. It’s always worth researching for quality and doing price comparisons so you can get the best deals for your needs and budget.

As your video channel grows, you can gradually upgrade your equipment to enhance the quality of your videos.

Remember, building a successful YouTube or video channel takes time, dedication and patience.

Stay consistent, learn from your experiences and adapt your content based on the feedback you receive.

With perseverance and a genuine passion to serve your audience, video can become a powerful asset for your online business.

The world is waiting to discover your business and with video as your primary platform, the possibilities are endless.

And to help make sure you don’t miss a step in your content creation process, be sure to download my free content creation checklist.

It’s time to embark on your video journey!


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